Digital Listings

Digital Listing Management

Digital Listings that include your name, address, phone number, hours of operation, website address, company description, and sometimes photos appear all over the internet on directories and websites. All this information is really great for customers who are searching for you online, as long as it is correct!

However, the wrong information can cause a lot of problems and reduce your ranking in local search engine results. With so many listings in so many places, it's virtually impossible to manually update and correct all that information yourself.

Digital Listings

Digital Listing Management Process

Our digital team will monitor and correct your business listings on all of the major directories to ensure that your customers always have the correct information about your business. Not only does our team submit directory listings, but we also search listings and advise you on exactly which ones you need to boost your visibility and online rank.

  • Starting with the most important sites like Yelp, Google, BBB, Angie’s List first, we claim and fix any incorrect information.
  • Then we seek out additional important business listings that will help boost your visibility.
  • We consistently monitor the internet for your listings, ensuring they remain up-to-date to help you rank higher online.

We offer digital listings management as part of our SEO services or a-la-carte so you can choose the best service for your business.
Let us help you manage your listings – call us today!