Posts by: Ayesha Varshney

Conversions, Part One: What Are Conversions?

We are excited to introduce a 4-part series on conversions. We hope these posts are helpful to you and will help you gain a better understanding on what conversions are and how they play a vital role in your digital marketing strategy. When you work with a digital marketing agency, chances are that they have helped you set up a website. During the building process, you may have heard phrases like,

Benefits of an SEM Strategy for A Small Business

When small business owners hear about SEM, the first questions on their mind are, “What is it, and how will it help me?” SEM stands for search engine marketing. This form of marketing will help increase your business’s visibility on a search engine through the use of paid advertisements. Whenever a potential customer begins their search for a product or service related to your of

Landing Page Elements that Lead to Conversions

A landing page is the initial webpage your visitors end up on whenever they click on a link to your website. There is no standard way of creating an effective landing page, but there are many elements that you can make use of in order to get conversions, and win over customers for life. Headline The headline is the text you have at the top of your website introducing visitors to your product. The

Google’s Mobile First Index: What You Need to Know

Google has announced plans to release mobile-first index. This will be a way to rank websites based on the user experience and responsiveness of a business’s mobile website. What is mobile-first index? Google ranks and rates your website based on searches and quality of content on your site. The index is a ranking of websites. With mobile-first index, Google will look at your mobile conten