How Do PPC & SEO Work Together

While people often talk about how SEM (Search Engine Marketing, often referred to as PPC or Pay-Per-Click) and how SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can each benefit your dealership individually, very few people seem to talk about how to use both of those strategies together. By now you probably know that SEM typically involves running ads on search engines so you can show at the very top of the se

What Changes is Facebook Making in 2019?

Facebook is constantly innovating and changing its platform to better address the wants and needs of the end-users. For example, on August 19th Facebook started to make changes to their mobile ad formatting by decreasing the total number of lines of text that will be displayed on mobile ads. While you will still be able to write the same amount of content, more of the content will be compressed, f

What is a Facebook Lookalike Audience?

If you’ve been running your own Facebook ads and/or have been researching targeting options on Facebook, you may have come across the term “lookalike audience.” But what is a lookalike audience? How does Facebook determine your lookalike audience? What are the benefits of using it? And how can you implement a lookalike audience in your own ads? Lookalike Audience Overview As th

Upcoming Changes To Google Ads

Once a year we get the chance to watch the Google Marketing Live event, where Google releases a number of announcements in regard to Google Ads. This year’s Google Marketing Live was held last week, and there are several new, exciting, and innovative features that we are looking forward to using and implementing for our own SEM (Search Engine Marketing) clients. There was no way we could cov

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): What is It?

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is more than just SEO. Search engines have other marketing methods that businesses can use to expand brand awareness and drive conversions. Let’s take a look at these methods and how they can help your business generate more revenue. Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing is often synonymous with any form of paid marketing that a search engine offers. Unlike SEO,

Does Your Dealership Need Facebook Advertising?

Dealerships have a lot of marketing channels they have to watch. The costs can definitely add up. So adding another one to the pile might give you pause if you’re already running a lot of traditional advertising and a website. Why should you put Facebook into the mix? Dealerships are local businesses. In order for a channel to earn its keep, it needs to target the local community as much as

Bad Google Ads and How to Avoid Them

Google AdWords is the primary PPC method of advertising on the web, hands-down. They have an enormous market share. So if you make them mad and get kicked off their network, it can make it very difficult to get effective paid advertising online. That doesn’t stop some businesses from trying to use shady tactics. Google released figures about the bad ads they blocked in 2017. Over 3.2 billion

Conversions, Part Four: How to Optimize the Conversion Process

If you’ve followed the advice in our earlier pieces, hopefully you’ll have started to get a stream of conversions. Once the pump is primed with these first visitors, the next step is to optimize the process so you can scale upward. Here then are our best practices for conversion optimization. Follow through on the promise The single most important thing you have to do is to follow up o

Benefits of an SEM Strategy for A Small Business

When small business owners hear about SEM, the first questions on their mind are, “What is it, and how will it help me?” SEM stands for search engine marketing. This form of marketing will help increase your business’s visibility on a search engine through the use of paid advertisements. Whenever a potential customer begins their search for a product or service related to your of

Challenges Small Businesses Face With Web Development & Digital Marketing Strategies in Houston - And How To Solve Them

Small business owners have quite a few options to choose from when it comes to developing, designing, and marketing their website online in Houston. Come see why business owners in Houston choose Dealerwebb to build and promote their websites below! Which Digital Marketing Tactics Will Work Help Grow Your Business Conversions? For small companies that are looking to build their brand by developing