3 Ways to Improve Your Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaign

As we are all accustomed to, the fastest and easiest way to find anything these days is to search for it online; most noticeably, to "Google It". Whether you have a leaky faucet, need your lawn mowed, or are simply looking up tickets for a comedy show, you now have unlimited information at your fingertips to find the ideal solution to your problem. However, on the other side of that spectrum, as a

Types of Internet Marketing For Small Businesses

Often times a small business will have a limited budget when it comes to investing in marketing. Whether they are looking to go the traditional marketing route or online marketing, the goal tends to be the same. A company's main focus is to build their brand, get exposure, and sell their products and services. For small companies that are looking to build their brand, social media marketing has sh

Benefits of Internet Marketing for Small Businesses

Marketing has come a long way since the internet was first introduced. Many small businesses in the past would turn to traditional methods of marketing such as radio ads, newspaper ads and TV ads in order to promote their products and services. While this allowed businesses to reach out to a large audience, it was quite expensive and there weren’t many ways to track the effectiveness of this

SEO/SEM Services - Why You Need a Professional

Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing work together to give companies a competitive edge in their marketplace. When people enter search terms into a search engine, they see results pages that display websites that match the search terms based on relevance, quality, and other metrics. Search engine users also see paid results that resemble organic results but appear either at the t