Landing Page Elements that Lead to Conversions
November 9, 2017

A landing page is the initial webpage your visitors end up on whenever they click on a link to your website. There is no standard way of creating an effective landing page, but there are many elements that you can make use of in order to get conversions, and win over customers for life.
The headline is the text you have at the top of your website introducing visitors to your product. The headline should be a way to inform people what your product is about in a way that is short and to the point. Preferably it should be at least 10 words, but no longer than 20. Your headline should emphasize a problem that your product can solve so that visitors will be enticed to keep reading the rest of your landing page to find out more about your product. The headline should grab people’s attention and should make them want to read more.
The subheadline is the text that goes directly underneath the headline. The subheadline should be persuasive. You want visitors to stay on the page with this element. With the subheadline, you want to use it to elaborate the main headline by clarifying the headline and highlighting the benefits of your product. The subheadline will then lead to the main content on the landing page that you want visitors to pay attention to. The overall goal with this element is to make people keep scrolling.
A great example of a great headline and subheadline would be one that Scratch Wireless used for their landing page.
Headline: Wireless should be free because it can be.
Already with their headline you are aware of the problem their product is trying to solve. The problem is wireless internet access is not free but it should be. This is conveyed in 8 words.
Subheadline: Smartphones can send texts, run apps, and even make calls using the Internet connections you already have. So why are you paying so much for wireless? Why are you paying at all?
The subheadline elaborates the idea that is presented in the main headline and offers you a persuasive argument for why wireless internet should be free. After the subheadline, you are hooked and ready to learn more about what Scratch Wireless has to offer you.
Call to Action
A call to action (CTA) is a display that prompts visitors to perform the action that you want them to do. You CTA can say “buy now” or “click here”. The CTA should be placed near the top of the page, but preferably after the visitor has been able to read a little more about your offerings. Once your visitors get past what your product is about, they can immediately click the CTA and see further benefits of your product.
Use pictures to the best of your advantage. The pictures should clearly show your product and demonstrate what your product does. Make sure that the image is attention grabbing! The image should be of the highest quality you can manage. This is not the time to use a stock photograph or Photoshop. These pictures are your chance to shine. The image is your chance to show off your product in a digital space. People want to see what they are buying and get some feel for whether or not this product is right for them. If people have no way of seeing your product or service in action, then why would they purchase something that they cannot see?
The offer is what you promise visitors to your site if they give you information that you are looking for. For example, you can offer a free eBook if people give you their email. You can also give out “25% off” codes if first time visitors give you their email or if they sign up for an account. The offer helps attract users to your site and leads to higher conversions. In turn, you receive contact information that you can use for email marketing.
Narrow Focus
Studies have shown that the more options you offer people and the more information you present, the longer it takes people to make a decision. The takeaway here is the clearer and the simpler your landing page is, the more likely people are to make a decision and take the action that you want them to take. Keep your landing pages centered on only one product or service. Do not try to put all of your offerings onto one page. This will make visitors feel overwhelmed and will make them leave the page. Keep information streamlined and focused. In some instances, less is more.
There is no magic guide or industry standard for how you should structure your landing pages. However, the elements discussed here will help you get more conversions and can help you gain more conversions.
Tags: Conversions , Increase Conversions